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From The Season's Harvest

Regular price $9.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $9.00 AUD
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Planet: Sun 
Chakra: Heart 4th Chakra
System: Circulatory 

Constituents:  Essential oils, coumarins, flavonoids, tannins, bitter principle, calcium, tryptophan (relaxes the parasympathetic nervous system)

Actions/Properties: Bitter, aromatic, sedative, relaxant, nervine, anodyne, anitbacterial, anti-inflammatory, carminative, febrifuge, diaphoretic, stomatic, antihistamine, anticancer

Core Benefits
Reduces Anxiety, Aids Digestion, Treats skin problems

Chamomile is brilliant for the stress we hold in our digestive system. This Flower is for you when you are stressed and instantly nauseous or have cramps in the digestive system. Chamomile is an excellent herb premenstrually for headaches and pains. Mama can drink chamomile and pass it to her baby through her breast milk. Chamomile is the quintessential baby herb and excellent for childhood issues. Chamomile can ground you to prepare you for change. It calms your nervous system and offers space to hear and listen, giving you time to check in before taking the next step to move forward. 

The stress-reducing effects are legendary. Its azulene content helps regenerate liver cells and provides an antihistamine. An infusion of the flowers will calm nervous stress and ease digestive problems, applied externally, its a refreshing skin tonic. 

relieves stress and nervous tension, gentle stress relieving plant, Excellent for stomach tension, indigestion, and for inflammation.
One of the finest and safest of medicinals. It can be drunk daily as a pleasant relaxing beverage tea or used effectively for extreme nerve stress and nervous system disorders. The seemingly endless list of problems chamomile is said to help can all be traced its effects on the nervous system and digestive system, as well as to its anti-inflammatory action. Azulene, a major active chemical in chamomile, is a beautiful blue volatile oil. This oil has ani-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anodyne properties. Chamomile is characterized by a bittersweet flavor. The bitter principles in it stimulate the gastric juices, making it excellent for the liver and digestive system. It is an excellent remedy for all manner of women's disorders and is  especially valuable for problems arising from stress, anxiety, and tension. 

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