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From The Season's Harvest

Regular price $33.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $33.00 AUD
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Dandelion is a very powerful diuretic and one of the richest natural sources of potassium. Unlike pharmaceutical diuretics, Dandelion does not deplete the body of this essential mineral.

Because of its high concentration of vitamins and minerals, the root and the leaf of dandelion are considered restorative and adaptogen aids to the body in building and restoring energy reserves. 

Dandelion is high in plant estrogens and is utilized in many formulas for women. The root is considered the herb par excellence for the liver and is used for all liver disorders, digestive upsets, and gall bladder problems. As a specific herb for the liver it also benefits the female reproductive system by helping to regulate and normalize hormone production. 

Dandelion leaf is highly effective for menstrual bloating, PMS, and the breast tenderness associated with water retention. Its gentle but effective qualities aid the kidneys in eliminating excess water held in the body during hormonal changes. Dandelion leaf is also invaluable to women going through menopause. The root supplies essential nutrients needed by the liver to help produce and regulate the production of hormones. Dandelion is a rich source of vitamins A and C, iron, calcium, and potassium, as well as many other trace minerals. 

Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air

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